Get Hands-On Experience for Your CCNP R/S Studies

Cisco Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL) is a network design and simulation environment that includes a graphical user interface called VM Maestro. VM Maestro allows you to create complex network topologies in a simple drag and drop manner. This is a great way to get some experience with Cisco gear for CCNP studies.

You get an introductory video showing you how to purchase and install VIRL (requires a $200 annual license from Cisco). Then, you get a series of 42 labs. Each lab contains:

  • A video that begins by explaining the lab objective and tasks
  • A downloadable .VIRL file (which you load into your copy of Cisco VIRL) that gives you the basic topology and configuration for the lab
  • A video that concludes by walking you through a solution of the lab tasks

Also, all videos are downloadable!

BUY NOW - $49.00

50% Complete

Two Step

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